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When Will Fallout 4 Ps4 Mods Come Out Average ratng: 5,8/10 8290 votes
  1. Ps4 Fallout 4 Mods Nexus

1469d ago (Edited 1469d ago )'Howard said it made sense for the Xbox One version to support mods before the PS4 version because of BGS' relationship with Microsoft and Xbox's connection with Windows 10, but the intention was for mods to be available to all.' Official Bethesda statement: 'Fallout4 mod sharing (from PC) coming after launch to Xbox One in early 2016. We hope to bring it to PS4, too.' -What's wrong with Microsoft having partnerships, its always the same, Sony makes a deal and its like 'Hell yeah that's because devs love Sony' but when Microsoft makes a deal its like 'Why are they paying to keep content off ps platform?'

, lol, its all business, either don't support any 'deals' or don't cry about ones because your platform of choice didn't do it first. 1469d agoHopefully it will come to ps4 soon after Xbox one. I also hope ms didn't pay to keep it timed exclusive on Xbox oneThis is a great feature for console gamers. So I hope we can all enjoy itIf you as a Xbox gamer get some extra pleasure for the fact it may be timed exclusive, than you are the proborm.with gaming community today. I dislike the fact we have fanboys who get extra happiness when their console of choice pays to get something timed exclusive.But when it's the other way around than these same people complain about how it's unfair to paying customersTo bethesda:I understand last gen you guys had issue with ps3, but now both ps4 and Xbox one are similar. So no excuses. 1469d agoJust a thought to keep in mind for both the Xbox One and PS4.these are 'walled gardens' with closed networks.

You can guarantee the mod support they will receive will be limited and carry some 'strings'. Most likely there will be a Steam-like Workshop for Fallout 4 that will contain only 'approved' mods. It's not like you can run over to the 'Nexus' and pick and choose what you want like PC players will be able to (and have always been able to).I don't want to burst anyone's bubble.

I'm just trying to be rational here. Don't get your hopes up until we are able to read all the fine print.

During a livestream from E3 2015, Fallout 4 Game Director Todd Howard confirmed that mods for Fallout 4 will come first on PC, and the on Xbox One this year. PS4 mods are still coming, but they will come “later on” next year. Mods are finally available for Fallout 4 on the PS4. Check out the best of the best that you can download and install to transform your experience.

1469d agoI'm assuming.1. These features aren't coming until after Win10 is even released. And, they will come after the PC version is done.2. They've cited zero exclusivity deal and they even talk about the PS4 open on the game.3. Win10 has been stated by a lot of developers to help with porting games from PC to Xbox.4.

Regardless of the ease that Win10 will make this on XBO, it in no way means it's not possible on PS4. It just will take a little more time because Win10 is not aimed at simplifying porting from PC to PS4.That's all.

I'm not sure what is hard to understand about the very often touted feature of making it a ton easier to port games to XBO from Win10. 1469d ago (Edited 1469d ago )lol, okay. Totally a reach!Then, you guys tell me, why isn't it coming out at the same time as PS4 if there's been zero news of an exclusivity and they've even talked openly about putting it on PS4?Please, enlighten me folks!@MrMagoo123:.Well COD dlc is usually timed exclusive to xbox and they talk about it coming to ps4.But they also make sure to announce to everyone the timed exclusivity. Nothing like that was announced at all during the Bethesda or MS conferences nor afterwards.That news would be #1 on Google by now as well. 1469d agoDon't think that is the case.

During the conference they constantly had this annoying announcer reminding you ever form of exclusivity CONSOLE EXCLUSIVEEE! Etc.THey never did that with the Bethesda announcement, and given MS track record of trying to fake exclusivity even when there is none, the fact that there was NO hinting at all about this being a MS FEATURE, leads me to the simple conclusion that it is being announced for xbox first just because it is ready for them first. MS probably are ready and SOny are clearly on board but not yet ready.

Fallout 4 ps4 mods bethesda

There has never been mods on consoles so it stands to reason that the day that they come won't be the exact same day for 2 different companies. 1469d agoReally doubtful about that. I can see a couple of good mods coming for console games, but they will probably be unstable with a native launcher. A lot of these can cause corrupted save files in a game like Fallout. Other games with the new backwards compatibility might be able to handle more intensive mods though. Anything requiring a script extender won't though, and once that comes out for PC you can expect mods mod support to stop from PC.


Valve most likely won't work with consoles at all. It's like saying Microsoft will allow Halo to work on PS4. It's because of this stupid idea of exclusivility between platforms.Not trying to piss anyone off, just trying to give a realistic expectation and not overhype:D. 1469d ago (Edited 1469d ago )Why does Bethesda treat non MS consoles so poorly?I mean really they do nothing to treat PS players fairly on any game they release.Darn it edited out my original post and accidentally deleted some stuff.

Ps4 Fallout 4 Mods Nexus

I don't remember exactly what it said so i won't try to hard. It was something along the lines of Mods not being exclusive is weird according to N4g commentators it was all but confirmed.EDITTo those that Disagree list a reason why what i said isn't correct or can be proven to be false. Have betheseda ever in the last 8 yrs done anything to give fair treatment to ps gamers? They don't even fix their own games on the platform. 1469d ago (Edited 1469d ago )Sorry this isn't a first time they've been shady towards PS gamers. Let's not pretend they have no track record with excluding PS gamers and treating them like 2nd class gamers.

All last gen was this way with Bethesda and personally it sucks they make such great games because the way they treat a huge market is pretty rude.I'm still waiting on the kinks to be out of the Fallout 3 and new vegas DLC on ps3 that was released later then xbox. The logic here is that they just don't value SOny customers as highly.The truth is Bethesdea loves them some MS love but treats other like 2nd class gamers. Prove me wrong show me something that is contrary to what i'm saying. 1469d ago (Edited 1469d ago )What is shady about this?

First they need to finish the mod kit, then test the mod transfers on xb1, then implement on ps4 when it's working. If they released it on ps4 before this feature was ready, you would also complain. They can't win. IDK about their past mistakes on ps3, but that's not what this article was about. For some reason I thought you were on topic and talking about the mod support. They should have fixed those past issues.


I can agree with that. 1469d ago (Edited 1469d ago )I am talking about mod support. You are giving them quite the bit of trust from a company who is just being consistent.Thye have a past where they have always given MS the better stuff compared to PS they have for 8yrs now on like 4 total games. Saying that this is all of the sudden different and has different reason on top of assuming that the only reason is just good intentions is wrong.

100% wrong.You think they ever thought about getting it running on ps4 first you know the one with the commanding lead in the console race? They love MS and it's been written more then enough times to be at this point written in stone. They truth is in actions not feelings but the turth is the feelings and their actions are one in the same and represent their entire company outlook towards non MS platforms. They walk like a duck talk like a duck it's a duck.What's shady about this is they have no intention of treating PS platform holders the same as Xbox owners. Why that is i have no idea but they make it very clear who they back and they have no intention of being 100% neutral.

Guarantee if Xbox was the leader like PS Fallout would have been exclusive.You're also assuming that xbox owners will be okay if it doesn't work great and it's just nice guy Bethesda the ones who can't even get a game to work without huge issues is just being a good guy to ps owners by letting xbox beta test. That is naive and fromt he way you respond i don't think you really believe this since your posts are short but seem well structured unlike mine:). 1469d agoOne thing waiting on Bethesda is game of the year editions always seemed to be cheaper the later you get them, yes you have to wait, but you do pay less for everything they offered.Just like fallout 3, and fallout Vegas game of the year edition had all the DLC for the same entry price as the core game was when it launched. So $60.00 for the core play it early or wait a year Game of the year edition with all of its DLC included and the same $60.00for the PS3Fallout 3Fallout VegasSame hell when it hits platinum edition even better price.Never change Bethesda I'm not unhappy paying less for more. 1469d agoI only own a PS4 so I naturally will be buying Fallout 4 for it.

That being said I don't know right now why we should even care about when we will be getting the mod support. Yes there will be a lot of mods on the PC version but we don't know how or what will actually be moved over to the consoles. More importantly we don't really know just how massive the game itself will be. The creating aspect could give me hours upon hours of gameplay alone. But of course we will have a whole story to go through. We also will be getting most likely a ton of side quests and a lot to just explore and enjoy.

By the time the mod support does come I hope I am somewhere near 100 percent done with Fallout 4 but somehow I doubt that will be the case. Why can't we just enjoy the game as it is when it releases considering it seems like the most ambitious one they have done yet. 1469d agoAnyone saying is has to do with Windows 10 and easy game porting need to understand how most Bethesda game mods work.

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They are not seperate entities from the game. They are not games in-and-of-themselves. They are game assests created by a program in such a way that the GAME's engine can recognize and utilize them. They wouldn't be impacted by the transition from PC to PS4 or to Xbox 1. All the transitional stuff was fugured out long ago during the development of the GECK and the game and how it uses the assets. Think of mods like a square and the game as a thingy with a sqaure hole.

Mod slides in easily. If there is a hold up it'd be Sony.