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Fun Things To Do In Sims Average ratng: 5,5/10 7927 votes

The Sims 4: Cats & Dogs expansion pack isn’t just about the addition of pets, as a number of new items have also been included within the pack. Most notably is the introduction of the Robot Vacuum, which is used for cleaning up things such as poo, throw up, hair, and even messes made by toddlers and children. Feb 18, 2019 - One of the most fun things that happen while you're playing ​'The Sims 3' is when something out of the blue happens — like when Aunt. The Sims 4 is out and even if the reception is not the best, the game is still able to proportionate plenty of fun moments. Some of the entertaining elements from the previous games are gone – pools, hot tubs, cars, ghosts and even aliens are now inexistent.

Do what I do. Make a male sim. Make him as handsome (or as ugly) as you possibly can. Go all the way. Then set bim loose on the town. Have him impregnate every sim he possibly can. Married, single, doesn't matter.

Then begin to play as your favourite one of his offspring (do this the moment your male sim dies, either of natural causes or by accident). Then with this sim try to have them complete as many aspirations as possible before they die. Then kill off every other sim related, by blood, to that original sim (who is still alive) and try to kill them in every way possible, because having a sim make a baby with every possible sim really messes with the gene pool. For a while I stopped playing because I just ran out of ideas of what to do.

But now I just kind of stopped trying to have fun and just started playing without thinking.I've been experimenting with different clubs and that has been more fun than I thought it would be. I made a comedy club for a random sim and he ended up falling in love with one of the other comedians and now they're starting a family and it's the most excited I've been in a while about a sim family.I've also been challenging myself to build more, because I used to suck at it. I would just build square houses with no landscaping or decor. So I started looking up house plans online and trying to make them in game.But anyway, I think you should just download some sims from the gallery or play one of the pre-made families and see what happens. Or you could always try maxing out all the aspirations in the game!

I still need to do that. My boyfriend and I like to play together. I personally love making my own storyline and play god and intervene my own ways. CC is great for things like this.


Fun Things To Do Near Me

Im trying to build my own generations and making different kinds of sims based off this. I also like spending a lot time making community lots (this takes up a lot of time and you pretty much can do whatever you want) and Im currently building a large 4 story hotel with pool and roof access. I spent 4 hours and Im still not finished. There are themed rooms and and the main floor has a theater and game room and a dining room. It keeps me occupied especially since I abuse CC a lot of the time.

Funneh Sims 4

My boyfriend and I have two sets of characters. One that look exactly like us (theyre old now with grandkids) and then we have another set of characters where we play dream versions of fictional characters and mess around with different ideas about the character(IE; My character is a earth loving vegetarian who secretly eats meat. Doesnt have a job and tries to make money off her paintings, where my boyfriends character is an science geek who is a body builder on the side and wants to be an astronaut.