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Contents.Interpretations The 1861–1865 war as Second American Civil War Some historians name the 1861–1865 war as the Second American Civil War, since the could be considered a (since the term can refer to any war to separate one political body from another). They then refer to the Independence War, which resulted in the separation of the from the, as the First American Civil War. A significant number of American colonists stayed loyal to the British Crown and as fought on the British side while opposite were a significant amount of colonists called who fought on the American side.

  1. American Civil War Model Soldiers

In some localities, there was fierce fighting between Americans including gruesome instances of on both sides. As Canadian historian noted:It must be admitted that the Loyalists were guilty during the war of some unpleasant atrocities. But so were some of the Revolutionists. No one can take pride in tracing descent to the worst of the, any more than to and his gang or to the raiders of. And it is fair to remember that the Loyalists had been driven from their homes, that their property had been confiscated, and that they and their families had been subjected to persecution. They would have been hardly human had they not waged a mimic warfare. At the same time, it is no more surprising that after the war the victorious Revolutionists treated the Loyalists with scant generosity.

The American Civil War 1861-1865: Single and Multi-Player Historical Scenarios and Custom Battles featuring 60 topographically correct Battlefields; 38. No files were found matching the criteria specified. Jun 02, 2019  The American Civil War 1861-1865: Single and Multi-Player Historical Scenarios and Custom Battles featuring 60 topographically correct Battlefields; 38. Empire: Total War - American Civil War Mod This is the American Civil War: The Blue and the Gray, Battle Mod which is the first step to a total rework of the Empire Total War to the American Civil War.

They too would have been hardly human had they done otherwise. 'As early as 1789, an American patriot historian, wrote in his History of the American Revolution that, 'Many circumstances concurred to make the American war particularly calamitous. It was originally a civil war in the estimation of both parties.

' Framing the as a civil war is making its way to classrooms on both sides of the Atlantic. Reconstruction as Second American Civil War After the, the federal government started in 1865-1877 a process called, which aimed to restore the South to the Union and update the federal and state governance in accordance with the, and to the.

Due to severity of the social, political and constitutional challenges and conflicts of the Reconstruction Era, the Reconstruction is sometimes called the Second Civil War. The term was cemented by the episode 'Reconstruction: The Second Civil War' and made its way to the school curriculum. Culture war as Second American Civil War In the 21st century, during an alleged ongoing between American conservatives and liberals over opposing cultural, moral, and religious ideals, conservative, claimed that Americans are actually in the midst of the Second Civil War, albeit not necessarily violent. While acknowledging that extreme partisan politics on, accompanied by related commonplace verbal and occasional physical acts of aggression in the streets, are tearing apart the fabric of American society, political and social commentators point to the fact that culture wars cycles are imminent to the process of replenishing American values, and the first such cycle started after George Washington's retirement, and that Americans have to find 'America's middle again and return to civility.' In popular culture.

This is a and may never be able to satisfy particular standards for completeness. You can help by with entries. Literature. In the semi- 1935 political novel by American author, a second civil war breaks out due to the policies of fictional President Berzelius 'Buzz' Windrip.

Published during the rise of, the novel describes the rise of Windrip, a politician who defeats (FDR) and is elected President of the United States, after fomenting fear and promising drastic economic and social reforms while promoting a return to patriotism and 'traditional' values. After his election, Windrip takes complete control of the government and imposes a / rule with the help of a ruthless force, in the manner of Adolf Hitler and the SS.

The novel's plot centers on journalist Doremus Jessup's opposition to the new regime and his subsequent struggle against it as part of a liberal rebellion. Reviewers at the time, and literary critics since, have emphasized the connection with Louisiana politician, who was preparing to run for president in the 1936 election when he was assassinated in 1935 just prior to the novel's publication. 's 1974 novel, is set in a, where the United States has become a in the aftermath of a Second Civil War.

The story follows a genetically enhanced pop singer and television star who wakes up in a world where he has never existed. In Canadian author 's 1985 novel, a secretive group of religious called 'The Sons of Jacob' stages an attack that kills the U.S. President and most of Congress.

In the ensuing political and social upheaval, the group launches a hostile revolution and suspends the United States Constitution under the pretext of restoring order. Within this autocratic new system, the group is quickly able to curtail or take away human, civil, and in particular women's rights. Under their newfound authority, The Sons of Jacob declare the establishment of The Republic of Gilead — a military within the borders of what was formerly the United States of America. The new regime moves quickly to consolidate its power and reorganize society with an -inspired social and religious fanaticism, and enshrines in law a militarized, hierarchical system of newly-created societal classes and cultural castes. At the same time, the Gileadian army continues to fight a Second American Civil War against various factions who continue to fight and oppose the new regime.

Eric Herschthal. 2017-06-26 at the, The Slate, September 6, 2016.

James McAuley. 2018-01-07 at the, The New Yorker, August 4, 2011. Thomas Allen. Tories: Fighting for the King in America's First Civil War. New York, Harper, 2011. Peter J. Albert (ed.).

An Uncivil War: The Southern Backcountry During the American Revolution. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 1985. Alfred Young (ed.). The American Revolution: Explorations in the History of American Radicalism. DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press, 1976. Armitage, David.

2013-12-03 at the. In: and Dan Edelstein (eds.). Scripting Revolution: A Historical Approach to the Comparative Study of Revolutions. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2015. According to Armitage, 'The renaming can happen relatively quickly: for example, the transatlantic conflict of the 1770s that many contemporaries saw as a British 'civil war' or even 'the American Civil War' was first called 'the American Revolution' in 1776 by the chief justice of South Carolina,.' .

William Stewart Wallace., The Bookman: A Review of Books and Ideas, Vol. 48, September, 1918 - February, 1919, pp. 682-683. David Ramsay. 2018-07-27 at the. 1789.

Elise Stevens Wilson. 2016-10-17 at the, The. Timothy H. 2017-06-24 at the, National Humanities Center. 2018-07-27 at the, University of Cambridge. Howell, Kenneth W.

Denton, Tex: University of North Texas Press, 2012. Smallwood, James, Barry A. Crouch, and Larry Peacock. College Station: Texas A & M University Press, 2003. on. 2015-11-23 at the, Bellows Free Academy. Dennis Prager.

2017-06-11 at the, The Daily Signal, June 6, 2017. Alex Zakrzewski. 2017-10-19 at the, HistoryNet.com, Mach 23, 1916. Kevin D. 2017-06-19 at the, National Review, June 16, 2017.

Marshall Connolly. 2017-06-18 at the, Catholic Online, June 15, 2017. Judson Phillips. 2017-06-29 at the, The Washington Times, June 14, 2017. Stephen Prothero. 2017-07-20 at the, The Washington Post, January 29, 2016. 2018-01-24 at the The Columbus Dispatch, June 15, 2017.

Michio Kakutani (2017-03-27). New York Times. From the original on 2018-05-16.

Retrieved 2018-06-04. Jason Sheehan (2017-07-09). From the original on 2018-07-17. Retrieved 2018-07-16.

As stated at the end of the final episode, '. Kate Stanhope (2016-06-15). The Hollywood Reporter. From the original on 2017-02-10.

Retrieved 2017-05-08. Nellie Andreeva (2016-12-13). Deadline Hollywood. From the original on 2017-04-28. Retrieved 2017-05-08.

What are those maps? I've been looking for good US maps some time ago (for a Red Dawn-style scenario) and couldn't find anything suitable.Here are some I've been gathering as possible maps for the mod.

What Do you say we combine our efforts and make this mod together?I'm not sure what state this is in i think its oregon. I'm far from a politically correct person and I believe that this could be very interesting but current US politics would absolutely have to be kept out of it or the bickering surrounding any such mod or scenario would be constant and disruptive. That means NO fascist East US faction vs a communist West US faction, nor a return to the North vs South of the first ACW.

Needless to say, race and religion shouldn't play a primary role either. I'm really not trying to be PC, but I feel that any of those factors could lead to much controversy and dissent, which could derail any such project.

Personally, I would rather see American patriots/resistance/partisans fighting an invading and occupying force and their treasonous American collaborationist forces. Alternately, to remain closer to the original idea, collaborationist forces installed by foreign invaders and left to administrate the seized areas would be a good back story to explain the reason for a new Civil War. I'm far from a politically correct person and I believe that this could be very interesting but current US politics would absolutely have to be kept out of it or the bickering surrounding any such mod or scenario would be constant and disruptive.

That means NO fascist East US faction vs a communist West US faction, nor a return to the North vs South of the first ACW. Needless to say, race and religion shouldn't play a primary role either. I'm really not trying to be PC, but I feel that any of those factors could lead to much controversy and dissent, which could derail any such project. Personally, I would rather see American patriots/resistance/partisans fighting an invading and occupying force and their treasonous American collaborationist forces.

Alternately, to remain closer to the original idea, collaborationist forces installed by foreign invaders and left to administrate the seized areas would be a good back story to explain the reason for a new Civil War.I completely understand your position and agree with almost all of it. The plain truth of the matter is that while i don't want to play to deeply into the politics around the nation the simple fact is that its more likely for California to secede then it is for China/ North Korea, or Russia to invade the Mainland United States. I instead wish to show a sobering reminder to people what war on american soil would look like in a certain set of circumstances which BTW aren't to unrealistic.

I don't encourage anyone to start pushing for Secession, Political, Cultural, Religious, or National Extremism. In fact I want them to understand that if this war happens or if it never does happened it would be a bloodbath on their streets, in their homes, their schools, and most importantly in their very lives. I cant and won't be able Control what people think and feel from this. But i do Hope I can show them How I Hope it will be interpreted and How I would look at a Situation like this if it happened in real life.As for the exact details there will be out forces manipulating both sides in some way.

But i will not simply portray one side as good and the other side as evil. Both will have Good qualities even great achievements, but both will also have Terrible Flaws and Misdeeds occur at there hands. I want to make this as realistic as possible. I'm thinking of it as part of a WW3 Scenario but without Nukes. I'll Post up a Storyline as soon as i have a Dev team ready and the Writing has been edited and is presentable.

A 2nd American civil war is kind of an oxymoron, isn't it? It's safe to say the majority of private firearm owners and the US military are Constitutionalists or of similar ideology while the majority of the opposing force is anti firearm and anti-war. I don't think having 100 million people with firearms shooting at 100 million people protesting, rioting and burning trash cans just because they were triggered over something Trump said would be much of a civil war. Also, not a single damn shot will be fired if California decided to leave. In fact I think the majority of America will wish California the best of luck.

American Civil War Model Soldiers

Know what I mean?Now, I say that to say this, no matter how much you try not to make it political it will be. It's not like America is going to have a civil war because Iphone people hate Android people, so people will ultimately apply current politics to it. I know it may not seem like it to people who aren't from America, but the political atmosphere here right now is very turbulent.I think a Red Dawn setting would be more appropriate if you really intend on going down this path, in which case, the opposition is already made. Someone makes a 100th mod/game about hypothetical civil war/communist resurgence in Russia - no one bites an eye.Someone merely suggests an hypothetical civil war scenario in US - HOLY SHIT CALL THE CIA, NSA and THE FBI!!!!Quite the opposite actually. I don´t give a flying.

about political correctness (and most people here are probably thick skinned enough too) but there are others out there that do - for different reasons that is. And some are out there looking for things to get offended by to make a dime. If I remember correctly there was an ISIS mod a few years ago to provide proper targets for MilSim units and some fairly popular newspaper spun it to 'ArmA 3 - The ISIS training simulator'.My point is that you should do what you want to do, but also keep in mind that there are people out there who are willing to spin what you say or do to profit from it while claiming a moral high-ground and they will not stop until you concede or you are ruined.

The mod creator for the ISIS mod even had his name spread if I remember correctly. A 2nd American civil war is kind of an oxymoron, isn't it? It's safe to say the majority of private firearm owners and the US military are Constitutionalists or of similar ideology while the majority of the opposing force is anti firearm and anti-war. I don't think having 100 million people with firearms shooting at 100 million people protesting, rioting and burning trash cans just because they were triggered over something Trump said would be much of a civil war. Also, not a single damn shot will be fired if California decided to leave.

In fact I think the majority of America will wish California the best of luck. Know what I mean?Now, I say that to say this, no matter how much you try not to make it political it will be.

It's not like America is going to have a civil war because Iphone people hate Android people, so people will ultimately apply current politics to it. I know it may not seem like it to people who aren't from America, but the political atmosphere here right now is very turbulent.I think a Red Dawn setting would be more appropriate if you really intend on going down this path, in which case, the opposition is already made.While Trump is a Main Character of the Story. He is not the Chief cause of the War he along with California and other states are swept up in Circumstances beyond his Control. Alot of it is Economic, and Financial Influence on the International Level. It's not gonna be some Single issue problem but underlying issues that have built up for a long time, combined with economic Changes that Offer better Opportunities for The states Leaving the Union.

It's not just California.)As for those who are going to be fighting for the states that secede. In the story plenty of people will Immigrate to these States for Jobs and Money.


Not just those From Mexico, and The Middle East, But from States that Haven't Left the Union as well.These People not only Fill the Jobs, and Homes, but also the Ranks of Armies, Navies, and Air Forces, of each State, Confederation, or Federation. Sadly, my point about political bickering has been amply made already.

However, I would like to see this come to fruition and having said that, I believe that setting this in the current time period is a mistake. Perhaps it could be moved 10 years into the future (no need for current politicians to be mentioned at all) or set in a slightly different and somewhat alternate reality. IMO, it would be more plausible if it takes place after a major terrorist or military attack (perhaps the reason for WW3?) has destabilized the country (perhaps an attack on and collapse of our economic system or power grid) and made it possible for a breakaway republic to form while the nation is trying to recover., thanks for the PM. While I don't have time for what you suggested, I'm always available for questions, advice (or questionable advice! ) or to bounce ideas around.

Feel free to message me at any time and best of luck with this project. Sadly, my point about political bickering has been amply made already. However, I would like to see this come to fruition and having said that, I believe that setting this in the current time period is a mistake.

Perhaps it could be moved 10 years into the future (no need for current politicians to be mentioned at all) or set in a slightly different and somewhat alternate reality. IMO, it would be more plausible if it takes place after a major terrorist or military attack (perhaps the reason for WW3?) has destabilized the country (perhaps an attack on and collapse of our economic system or power grid) and made it possible for a breakaway republic to form while the nation is trying to recover., thanks for the PM. While I don't have time for what you suggested, I'm always available for questions, advice (or questionable advice!:) ) or to bounce ideas around. Feel free to message me at any time and best of luck with this project.WW3 is going on while this happens.

In fact its one of the catalysts to the conflict along with an economic instability due to the dollar being replaced by the yen as the worlds reserve currency. I'm still writing this out so i can replace the main characters political positions as amalgamations of people to help get away from the real world personalities. As for the time period its I wouldn't mind moving it into the future except i want to keep it grounded in the present for a purpose. As some other people have suggested, I think a Red Dawn-style scenario would be more interesting and less complicated than a civil war which is not really likely to happen at all and not something I think many people would be interested in.Whatever route you choose, I wish you luck.Why do people think Russia or China can invade the United States?

I Genuinely do not understand how people could entertain the concept as anywhere near possible. They would have to cross the entire pacific ocean good luck not getting spotted, by radar, container ships, fishing boats, military, and coast guard patrols, satellites, and aircraft, from 3 major US naval bases, (Okinawa, Guam, And the Base still at Pearl Harbor) also avoiding being spotted by 4 of our allies in the pacific. (Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and The Philippines.) Even if any nations military managed to get past all that and land in California they would need a force of at least 500,000 troops (which neither Russia nor China have the have the navy in order to pull off) to take and hold cities as large as the ones in California.

Los Angeles, San Francisco, and the farmland and wine country area in the middle of the state. Then they have to get past the mountains. Which by the time they took those cities the entire country would know about what was going on and would be up in arms about it.

Not Forgetting the military that would swoop in and kill and destroy the entire enemy force in about 5 months at the longest. To have guerrillas face an enemy force would be anThis why a mainland invasion of the united states would just never happen at all. Every nation knows this. Which is why it would Boil down to someone Funding and supplying states that have left the Union and Manipulating those in power in those states to get more aggressive with the US government in order to cause provocation.

Given the economic instability and decline that would happen to the united states in the mod it would give California and other states not only Political and Social Incentive, to Leave the Union but now also Economic incentive as well. Why does an invading force have to be Chinese, Russian or North Korean? I can think of a plausible scenario where the invasion could come from south of the border by a coalition of forces from Central and South America and their allies around the world. What if that region of the world became increasingly Socialist and antagonistic toward American interests (think Venezuela) due to real or perceived transgressions by the USA? What if at the same time, major oil fields were discovered somewhere in the region (unlikely but plausible)?

It could enrich those countries and allow them to become trading partners and allies with other nations that are antagonistic towards the USA. With the new found money and allies, they could build and modernize their militaries to become a viable threat to the US. If the US was already engaged abroad in a world war, wouldn't such a coalition be emboldened to strike at their enemy to the north? Why does an invading force have to be Chinese, Russian or North Korean?

I can think of a plausible scenario where the invasion could come from south of the border by a coalition of forces from Central and South America and their allies around the world. What if that region of the world became increasingly Socialist and antagonistic toward American interests (think Venezuela) due to real or perceived transgressions by the USA? What if at the same time, major oil fields were discovered somewhere in the region (unlikely but plausible)? It could enrich those countries and allow them to become trading partners and allies with other nations that are antagonistic towards the USA.

With the new found money and allies, they could build and modernize their militaries to become a viable threat to the US. If the US was already engaged abroad in a world war, wouldn't such a coalition be emboldened to strike at their enemy to the north?That's kind of what i'm going for. The western and northeastern states are already pretty left leaning in there policy. If the Dollar stopped being the worlds reserve currency it would cause investors to move away from the dollar and invest elsewhere that's what the economic catalyst is. What would enrich those countries would be trade deals with china in return for agreeing to use the yen as there reserve currency. This would allow china to send arms, ammunition, even people to train California's new military to prepare for a possible conflict with the US.

Other states leaving and increasing economic and troubles for the US and straining relations between the US and seceded states. Other incidents result in other states leaving the union before hostilities break out. As for south america they will play a role in WW3 in the Mod just not quite in that way. I'll have a Brief run down on what each country is doing. I'm still trying to work it all out. Offensive content, flaming, privacy:Material that is overly sexual, graphic, obscene, racist, or otherwise overly discriminatory is not permitted on these forums. Any material which constitutes defamation, harassment, abuse or slander, towards developers, staff or users, is strictly prohibited; this includes the Personal Message service, do not post private messages or user pictures.

Flamebaiting is not allowed. Please do not post any personal or identifying information such as postal addresses, IPs or UIDs.Thanks. Why do people think Russia or China can invade the United States? I Genuinely do not understand how people could entertain the concept as anywhere near possible.


They would have to cross the entire pacific ocean good luck not getting spotted, by radar, container ships, fishing boats, military, and coast guard patrols, satellites, and aircraft, from 3 major US naval bases, (Okinawa, Guam, And the Base still at Pearl Harbor) also avoiding being spotted by 4 of our allies in the pacific. (Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and The Philippines.) Even if any nations military managed to get past all that and land in California they would need a force of at least 500,000 troops (which neither Russia nor China have the have the navy in order to pull off) to take and hold cities as large as the ones in California. Los Angeles, San Francisco, and the farmland and wine country area in the middle of the state.

Then they have to get past the mountains. Which by the time they took those cities the entire country would know about what was going on and would be up in arms about it. Not Forgetting the military that would swoop in and kill and destroy the entire enemy force in about 5 months at the longest.

To have guerrillas face an enemy force would be anThis why a mainland invasion of the united states would just never happen at all. Every nation knows this. Which is why it would Boil down to someone Funding and supplying states that have left the Union and Manipulating those in power in those states to get more aggressive with the US government in order to cause provocation. Given the economic instability and decline that would happen to the united states in the mod it would give California and other states not only Political and Social Incentive, to Leave the Union but now also Economic incentive as well.Very true. It's literally impossible to invade America, much less get over the Rockies. Go luck trying to send an invasion force through the South.

California is already a loss, but a military force like Russia going through Texas during the summer would probably be massacred. Interesting thought I believe Thomas Jefferson once said 'There's two ways to enslave a nation, by force and by debt' Actually, there's three ways to enslave a nation, by force, debt and welfare.But if you want to avoid the current political issues I would highly suggest you drop Trump from your story and make you story about 20 years in the future.