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Well, I had gotten this car from a friend who is an older gentlemen who collects old Fords and he has had this car for over 20 yrs. Sitting in the bottom of his barn. The thing is he couldn't remember exactly where he got the car or anything really about it. But needless to say he and I got to wheeling and dealing with the intents to bring it back to what it used to be.The car is a 1951 Victoria that may be considered to be a Mild Custom or a Hopped Up Show/Drag car with it's rear wheel wells that have been radius to a accommodate a larger wheel tire combo and it's after market Hurst floor shifter setup. The car has some water slide decals on it such as the Beware Hurst floor shit one on the firewall to the Dragin Equipment one on the dash that let one believe whom ever built the car back then didn't baby it.Now on to the interior which is done in a Red & White rolls and pleats style. The material is done in was probably purchased from J.C Whitney back in the day because it is not sewn pleats instead it is the type that was heated seams in between each one.

  1. Victoria 2 File Exception 662 Code

The brake and clutch pedals where painted white on the exposed steel arms that come through the floor. It had red carpet in it and a white headliner with blue piping where the bows would be. The windshield and back glass garnish moldings are chrome and the others are painted whit as well as the dash. The car appears to have been painted a metallic blue.The engine is an 8ba Flattie that is currently locked up and unknown of what may be done to it.Our plan is to see if anyone from the central NY area may know anything about the car and maybe even have photos to share of it back when it was done up. We are planning to bring this back to what it may have been in it's glory. I have two options for engines for this car, a 1951 Mercury engine that will be getting hopped up with Offy heads, 2x2 Offy intake and a Weber cam or a 1957 Ford 292 Y-block with a multi-carb intake and an Isky cam and dressed up with some finned aluminum goodies.

Victoria 2 Flag Replacement pack. The addition of these mods marked the launch of our new XCOM 2 Nexus Site which includes file, image, and video shares as well as a forum for anyone looking to talk about XCOM 2 modding. One of the great things about modding is the wide variety of additions that authors create and these mods are no.

As for the interior we are planning on bring it back to the exact way it is right now but with a pearl white paint. The exterior will be done in the Blue metallic with the exception of the roof which will be done in the pearl white to match the interior. We are planning on leaving the rear wheel wells radiused and deleting the bumper guards both front and back.

There will be no trim on the car and it will get 1953 Mercury headlight rings welded and filled for a smoother look. The wheels will be chrome steelies front and back with 5.70 wide whites up front and a set of wide white cheaters in the rear.

Victoria 2 File Exception 662 Code

The last two photos we put a set of chrome steel wheels with wide whites on them so we car get a feel of how it will look and also to be able to roll it around.I am hoping that anyone who may have gone around the Syracuse, Buffalo, Binghamton, Utica, Finger lake Region, Elmira and Oneonta, New York areas may know or have pictures of this car somewhere.

OtherDownload:by simsullaThis wiki mirrors the original at:NWO is a for strategy game play throughout the Cold War era and the post Soviet fall New World Order of our present day. The mod strives to realistically model the world we live in and the forces forming it.Major forces shaping history in the period stretching from 1946 to 2092.Decolonization - Devolution: End of colonialism and the breakup or nation states based on ethnic communitiesGlobalization: International organization potentially forming unitarian super states like the European Unions.POP's is power, the rise of the populous asian nations vs. Demographic collapse in initially Europe and Japan.Prerequisites: Victoria 2 Heart of Darkness 3.03 or 3.04NWO wiki in other languages. Contents.DownloadNew World Order - 1946, 1992:IssuesReport bugs and request functionality as github.Or by commenting on the this.Start DatesDid mod features game play from 1946 to 2092. There to start dates 1946 and 1992.East vs West Start Date 1946Playing the Cold War and decolonization. Germany is divided between the victors of World War 2; The United States, the Soviet Union, the UK, and France.

In southern Europe the communists struggle for power. Italy is balancing between Communism and the Western Democratic form of government.

In Greece a civil war is raging with communists in the north and government control in the south. Eastern Europe is under Soviet control. In Asia, Iran is struggling to regain control over the northern part of the country. China is engulfed in the Chinese Civil War between the nationalists, the KMT, and the communists, the CPC. Manchuria is Occupied by the Soviet Union and Korea is divided between the United States and the Russians.

Victoria 2 File Exception 662

Japan is under American domination. The Vietminh have rebelled against their French colonial overlords.

And in South East Asia the Dutch are struggling to maintain control over their empire. The British still rule their colonial realm, but Indian independence is around the corner. Besides South Africa, the African continent is still under colonial rule.

Most of the Americas are in the US sphere of influence as well as large parts of Europe and the Middle East. In Central Asia and Eastern Europe the Soviets dominate. In Europe millions of people are on the move.

Refugees returning home, or leaving their ruined homes to make a new life for themselves. East Germans attempting to flee to the west, and Poles, Ukrainians, Belorussians exchanged across new postwar borders.

In Palestine, Jewish Zionists are working to establish a Jewish state.This is the American Century.New World Order Start Date 1992The second start date 1992 The New World Order, features history from the collapse of the Eastern bloc. In the beginning it appears as if the United States is the sole remaining super-power but in the east the populous nation are on the rise, China and India are waiting to assume the prime role in the world once their economies grow to their full potential. This is a time of globalization. Nations join what initially are trade blocks, and eventually in some cases large centralized union states like the European Union, the South American Union and the African Union. The rise of political Islam looms around the corner.Military SystemMilitary units have been upgraded to reflect modern warfare.Army and Naval Units:Navy SystemThere is a balance in-between long range heavy ships like carriers, and smaller torpedo ships like submarines, that are cheaper and may inflict massive damage on the large ships.

Larger ships needs smaller vessels as screening units to protect them.Carrier Battle Group. 1 carrier. 2 cruiser. 2 destroyer. 2 frigate. 1 submarine.

Victoria 2 File Exception 662

2 transportArmy System The Battle FieldLinesTwo armies facing each-other in Victoria 2 are placed in two lines. 1:st line directly engaging enemy troops. 2:nd line providing support. As your first line troops gets destroyed, they are refilled by second line troops.WidthWidth is the number of regiments that can be placed besides each other. In Vic2 widest possible is 30 regiments. The width is reduced depending on terrain.As illustrated belowFlanksA unit engage units immediately in-front of them.

If you are unable to fill the full width of the battle field; at the edge of your 1:st line your troops are exposed to flank attack by mobile units. See figure above.Battle AbilitiesIn core Victoria 2 army units have the principal properties. Attack/defence. Range - ability as 2:nd line regiment engage the enemy. Mobility - ability to flank attack exposed enemy flank troops.Army UnitsThere are two principal types of units.

Support units (air and artillery) that are second line, weak in defense but with firepower and range being able to engage the enemy protected in the second line. And first line troops with better defense.You needs to keep reserves to fill your first line as troops get depleted in battle. The number of units engaged in a battle depends on the battle width. In a wide battle a total of 60 regiments(12 div) may be engaged at one time. If the battlefield is wide, and you do not have enough troops to cover the full front-line, you risk exposing second line troops to first line attack, and also opens flanking maneuver by your enemy. Motorized units have the ability to attack multiple facing tiles.

As the game progresses units with both defense and mobility becomes available.DivisionsA Division is a balanced group of 5 regiments with regards to attack/defence, range and mobility;Division. 4 regiments = regiments tank 50% / mech 50%. 1 artillery regimentAviation Division. 4 regiments. 1 motorizedinfantry regimentAn Army expected to fight narrow battles need only be 4 div larg. An Army expected to fight wide battles needs to be 12 div large.The Atomic BombIn NWO being a “nuclear power” means having the full deterrent capability.Becoming a nuclear power is a process in several steps.Country has tech knowledge to make the bomb. Tech: cold war Country has the invention atomic bomb.

Invention: the atomic bomb Once you have the invention, you may either join the nonproliferationtreaty (signed 1968), or reject it. Secondary and GP ai countries may reject the nonproliferationtreaty, depending in jingoism support in the nation. Non allied GP’s will reject it. If you rejected the non proliferation treaty, you may by decision start to develop the bomb if you are at least a secondary power. Country modifier: and flag developatomicbomb. It takes c.15 years to develop it.

Divine absolute monarchies have disappeared since the days of the Victorian Era and fascism has descended in to the graveyard of history since World War 2. In today's world, nationalist sentiments are caters for by populist parties - having a pragmatic view with regards to reforms - following the popular will.The democratic order may break down in sectarianism, where people starts voting by culture due to societal strain (unemployment, revanchism, discrimination, etc). When a society becomes sectarian, people tend towards populism or nationalism.

This opens up for an authoritarian dictatorship - if the society gets too stressed.In the 1990 start date, communism has lost it position as a major solution for economic problems - and overall is a marginalized political force. Surviving proletarian dictatorship's have adopted market socialism.In the 1990 start date, Islam is the sole religion with a political party. They have a significant following among Islamic pops. This is modeled as pops being Muslim and traditionalists.

Islamic traditionalists and western politics are on collision course.POPsThe mod features detailed ethnic map of the world. Pops has been updated and modified to reflect 1946 and 1992 demographics and ethnic diversity. With the Middle East having Sunni, Christian and Shiia Arabs as different ethnic groups cultures.

In Africa all major cultures are represented. In the new world north America and South America and Oceania culture is defined by race.Industries and GoodsNew World Order has a reworked production system. A number of raw materials has been added. As well as modern consumer goods. Pop needs has been changed to reflect modern consumption patterns. Energy in form of Oil and Gas now are key strategic commodities. Provinces has been updated to reflect modern production patterns.Raw materials:Industrial Goods:Consumer Goods:Military (and Consumer) Goods:The picture below displays the trade window.World Bank and the IMFThe world economy needs a set amount of capital for turnover.

In vanilla Vic2 money was added by gold mining. In NWO money is added by the IMF and the World Bank (WB). WB and IMF countries produces 'credit' in their financial capitals (New York and Frankfurt.a.m). The City of London also produces credit.All countries may by decision become member of the Buttonwoods institutions. This gives much reduced interest rates.The IMF/WB may set global interest rates per government type if they agree on the policies.

The World Bank may be taken over by a country achieving #1 rank. The number of technologies has been increased from 5x5x6 to 5x5x10MultiplayerSee the github wiki:Support.DeveloperThe mod code is hosted at github.Clone the repository in your 'Victoria 2' installation directory. You may use any git client (like GitHub for Windows).You will now have a nwo directory; C.Victoria 2nwomodCopy the nwomdoNWO.mod fiile to the mod directoryC.Victoria 2modNWO.modEdit the NWO.mod in notepad (or some other text editor) so that the path indicate nwomod in NWO.modpath = 'nwomod/NWO'Check that the nwomodNWOmapdefault.map hasdefinitions = './nwomod/NWO/map/definition.csv'.